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"Write & Discuss" Cheatsheet

Step by step on how to do this invaluable activity!

"Write & Discuss" Cheatsheet

Want to Boost Student Participation in Language Lessons?

Learn the 'Write & Discuss' Technique – Grab Your Free Cheatsheet Today!

Hi, I'm Scott.

I'm a teacher just like you!

I've been using comprehension-based methods to teach language for over 20 years.

Over the years, I've found that integrating 'Write & Discuss' into my language classes has been a game changer.

I've been on a quest to find activities that not only engage students but also enhance their learning experiences.

'Write & Discuss' has been one of those key activities.

In my classroom, this method has done wonders in improving students' writing and conversational skills.

It's about getting them to express their thoughts in discussion and then bringing those thoughts to life through writing.

This process helps in reinforcing their language skills, encouraging critical thinking, and fostering a collaborative learning environment.

I've put together a cheatsheet based on my experiences, filled with tips and step-by-step instructions to help you seamlessly implement 'Write & Discuss' in your lessons.

It's a straightforward, effective strategy that has transformed the way my students interact with language.



Incredible Organizations I've Worked With...

The Agent Workshop
CI in the Mitten
Alaskans for Language Acquisition
Clark County School District
Minneapolis Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools
ES 16

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